
I have to recommend Feynman’s Lectures on Physics even without plowing my way all the way through them yet.  There are three thick volumes, after all. I love Feynman’s attitude that if you can’t explain a concept to a college freshman, you really don’t understand it.

I’m also contributing to a site called bildr.org that attempts to provide a firm footing for people trying DIY projects (esp. electronics).  I hope to share what I know and learn what I don’t.  Some of the homebrew nonsense I post here will also end up with an evil twin on the bildr site, so check it out!

I just started a twitter account (warningscience), not because I have much to twitter about, but I’m planning on starting a new project that will convey scientific ideas and terms in 140 characters or less.  I think it has a lot of potential, but it may well end up being a disaster.  Wait and see!

One Response to “Extras”

  1. Dear author of this blog,

    I stumbled upon your great article about the Feynman Sprinkler (from December 31st, 2011) and was wondering if I would be allowed to use some of your drawings of the water pipe in an upcoming blog post.

    The URL of my blog is http://sebastiantempl.blogspot.co.at/.
    I run this blog in my free time without any financial profit. The written language is German.

    My plan would be to describe the sprinkler paradoxon without explicitly using formulae, embed your pictures for a better understanding and refer to your blog post for those people who want to know more about this phenomenon.

    So I’d like to ask for your permission to use some of your pictures. Please send me a short answer on this matter via e-mail!

    Thank you in advance!
    All the best,
    Sebastian Templ

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